After 6 years, we finally did it:

On 7.7.2012 it was time - we got married!

The complete story (our common resume up to this point as well as the application) you can see in our wedding newspaper.

On 7 July 2012 was the wedding in a small circles in Germany and the
14 July 2012 was the wedding in a larger styles in Croatia.

A detail of the pictures you can see in the
wedding gallery.

We would like to thank sincerely for
all helping hands as
my parents, my sister, our friend, and the witnesses
Regina (Claudi) and
 Manuel (for Erwin).

Furthermore, thanks also to the cureography of our wedding dance Ella.

Another update:

In Croatia, balloons were flying left.

The initial feedback we received from Hódmezővásárhely in Hungary - this is more than 400 km as the crow flies!

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